In my last post, I shared my excitement that some progress was being made on my kitchen renovation. Don't get me wrong, I'm still excited and all, but since the snow came, progress has once again come to a screeching halt. I'm not exactly sure what the snow totals were, but I do know that there are 3-6 foot drifts and piles of snow out there right now. Luckily the sun is starting to melt some of it away, but it has been a heck of a snowy week. I'm told we're supposed to get more snow on Monday, so I have no idea when my contractors will be able to make it back over to work on the kitchen again. The upside to the snow is that since I work for a college, I got to stay home all week! Hooray for snow days!
One thing I am excited about in the kitchen is the new opening in the wall between the kitchen and dining room. It opens things up a lot, and since the kitchen is so tiny and the kitchen doorway is so narrow, I think adding the opening in the wall really helped make things seem less closed off.
Remember the beginning stage of the hole?

Well, now it is a nice square opening; it might just be my favorite square opening in the whole world right now. The paint on the left wall is the color we'll be painting the kitchen. It's beige. Yep, just beige. There is still some drywall work and sanding to be done, and that's why all the walls aren't painted.

Here's the view from the dining room side.

My house was built in 1958. In the process of tearing apart the kitchen, a small treasure was found: an Everywoman's Family Circle magazine from November, 1960. I don't know how it managed to stick around for so long (it probably just fell behind a cabinet) but it's interesting that it had not been seen in nearly 50 years. It is chock full of homemaking tips, recipes, sewing projects, and fashion news. Here are a few photos.

My favorite page in the magazine, though, was this one; it advertises "Fat Girls' Diet" - a list of diets which you could purchase for 25 cents each. They weren't concerned with being sensitive back then, were they?

Snow permitting, the cabinets should start going in this week. I'm on my way to having a kitchen again!